Case Studies, Publications, and Keynote and other Presentations
Homeopathy resolves A Thirteen Year Battle Against Psoriasis
Author: Dr. Sonawane
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Treatment Using Homeopathy and Isotherapy
Author: Linlee Jordan
Acute Otitis Media
Homeopathy For Ear Problems In Children: Acute otitis media treatment
Author: Penny Barron
Respiratory Tract Allergies
Respiratory Tract Allergies – the Homeopathic Perspective and Treatment
Author Dr Sujata Naik
How one family went from trauma and tantrums to hugs and affection
Aurthor: Anke Zimmermann
Lichen simplex chronicus - skin condition
Homeopathic Treatment: Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Author: Dr Muhammed Rafeeque
Seized Jaw
Heard about the curious case of the woman who couldn’t open her mouth
Author: Dr. Karl Robinson
Can Homeopathy Be Used In the Treatment of Allergies?
Author: Linlee Jordan
Homeopathy For Childhood Epilepsy?
Author: Dr Navneet Bidani
Homeopathy: A natural treatment for eczema?
Author: Linlee Jordan
Hayfever and Allergic Rhinitis
Homeopathy Research: Allergies, Rhinitis and Hayfever
Author: Linlee Jordan
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Homeopathy research Pod study on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Author: Celeste Salter
Calcarea carbonica for Sinusitis “The Staphylococcus aureus must be dead!
Author: Dr Karim Adal
Baraiter Winter Syndrome
Ride a bike? “Won’t be possible.” But the boy with a rare developmental delay surprises everyone. He shows the true scope of homeopathy
Author: Linlee Jordan
Trauma resolution options and the human brain
Author: Ann Manning
Childhood eczema and constipation helped by homeopathy
Author: Bob Blair
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum – A Social Embarrassment
Author: Dr. Sujata Naik and team
Homeopathy For Migraine headaches in Children and Teens
Author: Sarah Saunders
Spina Bifida Occulta
No longer incontinent, constipated or withdrawn: Plumbum changed this teenager's life
Author: Dr Sunil Anand
Vitiligo in a four year old girl, disappears with homeopathy
Author: Dr. Kireet Taneja
Sleep Deprivation
Cocculus: A remedy from Homeopathy for sleep deprivation?
Author: Penny Barron
Bells Palsy
Homeopathy for Bell’s palsy in children?
Author: Dr Jitesh Sharma
Childhood Behaviour Problems
Hyoscyamus niger: A case series analysis
Author: Penny Barron
Epstein-Barr Virus
Epstein-Barr virus, Headaches and Homeopathic medicine
Author: Sarah Penrose
Autism research finds new conclusions about homeopathy
Author: Linlee Jordan
Social Anxiety Disorder
Can homeopathy help Social Anxiety Disorder in children?
Author: Kate Lukis
Migraines In Children: Canadian Trial Of Homeopathy. Should One Be Conducted In Sydney?
Author: Sarah Saunders
An overexcited child with urticaria, helped with homeopathy
Author: Sigrid Lindemann
Molluscum Contagiosum
Homeopathy for molluscum contagiosum?
Author: Mike Andrews
Homeopathy For Childhood Anxiety?
Author: Dr Muhammed Rafeeque
Glue Ear
A retrospective case series analysis on the treatment of glue ear
Author: Penny Barron
Sleep problems
Proving of Homeopathic Melatonin 6x
Author: Penny Barron
Venables, S, G Brodie, C Salter, and M Hookham, 2025 ‘Mapping the terrain: findings from the Australian Homeopathic Workforce Survey (HWFS) pilot study’ has been selected for inclusion in the HRI Greece 2025 conference programme - to be published
Jordan, L, S Naik, S Tilak, R Kelwalkar, and C Salter, 2025 ‘The possible effect of homeopathy on paediatric molluscum contagiosum patients: a literature review" has been selected for inclusion in the HRI Greece 2025 conference programme - to be published
Hynson I. 'Intensity of Meniere's episodes reduced using a homeopathic approach:a case study'. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 37, no.2 (2024): 7-16
Brodie, Gabrielle, Michelle Hookham, Celeste Salter, and Sandra Venables. ‘Mapping the Terrain: Reflections from the Homeopathy Work Force Survey (HWFS) Pod. Harvesting the Fruit to Fuel Our Future’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 37, no.2 (2024): 30–35.
Salter, Celeste, and Ilma Hynson. 2024. ‘Sharing our homeopathy cases: from clinic to publication’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 37, no.2 (2024): 17-23.
Salter, Celeste J, Sunny Goddard, and Linlee Jordan. ‘Research Pods: A Paradigm Shift Within Complementary Medicine Research’. In Transformative Partnerships. Vol. 22. UTS Sydney Australia: Social Innovations Journal (2024).
Venables, Sandra, Michelle Hookham, Gabrielle Brodie, and Celeste J Salter. ‘Homoeopathy Workforce Survey Project 2023-2028. A Research Protocol’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 36 no. 2 (2023): 18–24.
Salter Celeste, and Sunny Goddard. ‘Research Pods: building community resilience and research together’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 35, no.2 (2022): 16-20.
Saunders, Sarah and Linlee Jordan. “Treating infertility with homeopathy. An update to the Liz Lalor Homeopathy Fertility Program”. Similia, The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 35, no.1 (2022): 12-17.
Salter C, G Brodie, L Jordan, L Mattiolo, A Manning, S Bhouraskar, and D Levy. ‘Sustaining homoeopathy in Australia: Results and analysis of first national practice survey’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 32, no.1 (2020): 23-29.
Salter C, G Brodie, L Jordan, L Mattiolo, A Manning, S Bhouraskar, and D Levy. ‘The Holographic Nature of Homeopathic Practice in Australia as reflected in a National Portrait’. Presented at Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), 74th International Congress for Homeopathy, Sorrento, Italy, September 2019 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23528.83203
Greenland J, C Salter, G Brodie, A Manning, L Mattiolo, L Jordan, S Bhouraskar, D Levy. ’Understanding the Extent and Diversity of Homeopathic Practice in Australia’. Presented at Homeopathy Research Institute London 2019—Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy: doi:10.1055/s-0040-1702110
Gray A, L Jordan, and P Barron. ‘Proving of a Morning Sickness Combination Formula’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 29, no.2 (2017): 21-23.
Jordan, Linlee. ‘An innovative method of accelerated learning: A melting pot session is collaborative and thought provoking’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 29, no.2 (2017): 14-16.
Beaver, Linda, and Linlee Jordan. “A Cup of Tea in the Consulting Room: The Latest in Homoeopathy about Eczema and Allergies.” Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 21, no. 2 (2015): 96–99. doi: 10.3316/informit.268486613275135.
Barron P, and L Jordan. ‘Analysis of a Modern Approach to the Homoeopathic Treatment of Chronic and Acute Ear Problems in Children’. Journal of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society 20, no.3 (2014): 188-193.
Jordan L. ‘Do observational studies have relevance in measuring the outcomes of homoeopathic treatment?’ Journal of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society 19, no.3 (2013): 146-153.
Fixsen A. ‘Should homeopathy be considered as part of a treatment strategy for otitis media with effusion in children?’ Homeopathy 102, no.2 (2013): 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.homp.2013.01.004
Jordan L, A Gray, K Poole, P Barron. ‘Proving of melatonin’. Homeopathic Links 24 (2011): 193-194.
Barron P, and L Jordan. ‘Hyoscyamus: A case series analysis’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 21 no.1 (2009): 38.
Jordan L, and L Beaver. ‘Self- directed learning in homeopathic education’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 19, no.2 (2008): 32.
Jordan L. ‘Strategies that enhance learning in homeopathy lectures for the large group’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 18, no.1 (2006): 19.
Jordan L. 2005 ‘Could homeopathic medicine be utilised as a treatment for teething?’ The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 12, no.1 (2005): 35.
Jordan L. 2002 ‘An ADHD case history and the remedy Alcoholus’. Similia: Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 14, no.1 (2002): 14.
Keynote presentations
Jordan L. “Research based case management strategies in children with special needs”. Keynote presentation at: 1st Malaysian International Integrative Healthcare Conference; 2017; Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Jordan L. Homeopathy and quality of life: Revelations from recent research. Keynote presentation at: 2nd International Natural Medicine Summit, Australian Traditional Medicine Society, Sydney. March 2013.
Jordan, Linlee. “Recognising the small remedies eg: Bambusa. The bread and butter of your practice - managing ear problems. Surviving in practice”. Guest lecture, Sydney College of Homoeopathic Medicine. 2010
Jordan, Linlee. “Ear examination, and otitis media therapeutics”. Guest Lecture, Nature Care College: Sydney. 2010
Jordan, Linlee. “Unpacking the pregnancy and birthing experience.” Guest Lecture, Nature Care College: Sydney. August 2008
Jordan, Linlee. “Contemporary homeopathic treatment of ADHD and Autism”. Guest Lecture, Nature Care College: Sydney. August 2008
Jordan L. “Challenging children: ADHD and autism, what can you expect from homeopathic treatment?” Guest lecture. Nature Care College: Sydney. May 2007
Other presentations
Sharafi, Ashraf, Sunny Goddard, Sabina Vatter and Celeste Salter. “‘Irritation on all levels’ – A glimpse into our research process of the homoeopathic treatment of urinary tract infection in women in Australia” Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Naik, Sujata, Runali Kelwalkar, Sayali Tilak, Linlee Jordan and Celeste Salter. “Is homoeopathy a viable treatment option for Molluscum contagiosum (MC)?” A collaboration between Dr Sujata Naik’s Homeopathy Clinic, India, and Harbord Homeopathic Clinic, Sydney. Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Vatter, Sabina, Celeste Salter and Linlee Jordan. “A systematic review determining the amount, focus and nature of homoeopathy research activity in Australia”. Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Salter, Celeste, Sunny Goddard and Linlee Jordan: “Creating resilience in our homoeopathy community: the concept of Pods”. Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Hookham, Michelle, Sandra Venables, Celeste Salter and Gabrielle Briodie. “Harnessing insights from inside the homoeopathic profession in Australia”. Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Hermiston, Nyema, “The causes of Autism in plain sight”, presentation. Presented at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Brisbane November, 2023.
Vatter, Sabina, and Linlee Jordan. "What can you do with the consultation notes in your files? Harness your success and share it." Online presentation. Australian Homoeopathic Association. 29 August 2023.
Goddard, S. L Jordan, and C Salter. Research pods, a paradigm shift within complementary medicine research. Presented at Transformations Conference, University of Technology Sydney. 12 July 2023.
Goddard, Sunny, Celeste Salter, Ash Sharafi, and Sabina Vatter “Homeopathy treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection: a retrospective case series analysis” Poster presentation at Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) Conference London, June 2023.
Vatter, Sabina, Linlee Jordan and Celeste Salter. “Determining the quantity and focus of homeopathy research activity in Australia: a systematic literature review” Poster presentation at Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) Conference London, June 2023.
Jordan, Linlee. “Recognising and resolving pre-autistic traits in children with homeopathy”. Australian Homoeopathic Association Webinar. Feb 2023
Jordan, Linlee. “Recognising & resolving pre-autistic traits using homoeopathy” The subtitle was: "He eats only white foods: sugar, eggs, coconut and grated bones” Presented at New Zealand Council of Homeopaths Conference Weathering Storms, April 2022
Salter, Celeste and Ann Manning. “Results of the First National Survey in Homeopathy, in Australia”, Presented at New Zealand Council of Homeopaths Conference, October 2019
Salter, C, G Brodie, L Jordan, L Mattiolo, A Manning, S Bhouraskar, and D Levy. 2019 ‘The Holographic Nature of Homeopathic Practice in Australia as reflected in a National Portrait’. Poster presented at Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), 74th International Congress for Homeopathy, Sorrento, Italy, September 2019 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23528.83203
Greenland, J, C Salter, G Brodie, L Jordan, L Mattiolo, A Manning, S Bhouraskar, and D Levy. 2019 ‘The Holographic Nature of Homeopathic Practice in Australia as reflected in a National Portrait’. Poster presented at 4th Homeopathy Research Institute Conference, London, June 2019 doi:10.1055/s-0040-1702110
Linda Beaver. “Analysis of Cases from the Autism Support Project”. Presentation at Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference (AHMC) in Sydney 2018
Jordan, Linlee. “Hints about thriving in practice illustrated through autism cases”. The Bali Project Seminar, Ubud, The Aurum Project. 2015
Jordan, Linlee “Children’s meltdowns”. Australian Homoeopathic Association Webinar 2015.
Jordan, Linlee. “Revision of therapeutics for ear discharge, perforated ear drum, retraction & tympanosclerosis”. HHCC Continuing Education presentation. 2010.
Jordan, Linlee. .”Research and homeopathy: Powerful poison or potent medicine?” Presentation at Woodford Folk Festival, Queensland. December 2008
Jordan Linlee. ”An introduction to homeopathic first-aid remedies.” Presentation at Woodford Folk Festival, Queensland. December 2008
Hermiston N and L Jordan “Understanding ADHD & autism: A contemporary approach in a changing world.” Seminar at Australian Homeopathic Association: Sydney. May 2007
Jordan, Linlee. “Real World Treatment for Troubled Kids”. Presentation at Australian Homeopathic Medicine Conference, Perth. October 2006
Jordan, Linlee. “Homeopathy for the Whole Family” Public talk in conjunction with the Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference, Perth October 2006.