Poster Presentations
What is a Poster Presentaton?
A poster presentation, at a conference is the presentation of research information in the form of a paper poster that conference participants may view.
2023 Poster Presentations
2023 Literature Review Poster
The Literature Review Pod is undertaking a systematic scoping review of the published research of homeopathy in Australia by Australian researchers since 1990. The Pod members are Sabina Vatter, Celeste Salter and Linlee Jordan. The poster was presented to the 5th International Homeopathy Research Conference in London, UK June 2023 hosted by HRI, and the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association.
2023 Urinary Tract Infection Poster
The Rhizome Research Pod is undertaking a project on Urinary Tract Infection. The poster is called "Irritation on All Levels" and proposes research into the treatment of UTI with homeopathy. The Pod members are Ashraf Sharafi, Sunny Goddard, Sabina Vatter and Celeste Salter. The poster was presented to the 5th International Homeopathy Research Conference in London, UK June 2023 hosted by HRI, and the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association
2023 Molluscum Contagiosum Poster
The Molluscum Contagiosum Pod is a The Aurum Project research project with participation of two homeopathy clinics, Harbord Homeopathic Clinic and Dr Sujata Naik's Homeopathy Clinic in Mumbai. The Pod members are Dr Sujata Naik, Dr Runali Kelwalkar, Dr Sayali Tilak, Linlee Jordan and Celeste Salter. This poster was presented to the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association.
2023 Teal Organisation Poster
The Aurum Project has been pioneering an organisational approach to how it manages the research undertaken in the organisation. The Teal Approach was presented at the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association in the following poster. The poster was presented by Celeste Salter, Sunny Goddard and Linlee Jordan, on behalf of all of the members of The Aurum Project who are involved in co-creating this methodology which supports practitioners to engage in research with their peers.
2023 Homeopathy by Numbers Poster
The Homeopathy by Numbers Pod. The poster was presented at the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association.
2023 Workforce Survey Poster
The Homeopathy Workforce Survey Pod is conducting a national survey for Australian homeopathy workforce. The Pod members are Michelle Hookham, Sandra Venables, Celeste Salter and Gabrielle Briodie. This is a joint project between The Aurum Project and The Australian Register of Homoeopaths. The poster was presented at the 14th Australian Homoeopathic Medicine Conference in Brisbane, Australia November 2023 hosted by the Australian Homoeopathic Association.
September 2019 74th LMHI Congress - First National Survey Results Poster
Further results were presented at the 74th LMHI Congress in Sorrento Italy, in 2019. To download and print this high resolution A3 poster, click on the Aurum Project 74th LMHI Congress Poster link. Note: when you click this link, you will probably notice the file looks corrupted. Please ignore this and allow the file to download. Once the file is open in Acrobat Reader, it should look fine and will print normally. If for some reason this is not the case, please email us on
June 2019 4th HRI Conference - 1st National Survey Results Poster
This poster was presented at the Homeopathy Research Institute's 2019 Conference. To download and print this high resolution PDF poster at A3 size click on the Aurum Project HRI 2019 Poster A3 link.
Detailed Results

Homoeopaths participated from all of the states in Australia. The sample distribution was compared with data supplied by Australian Homeopathic Association for membership in 2019 using the chi squared test (X2 = 0.00) and confirmed that our sample was reliable.