
indian girl

Homeopathy for Bell’s palsy in children?

By AP admin / September 24, 2019

These are two case histories of children who developed Bell’s palsy and received beneficial treatment with homeopathy. The first of a ten year old girl in India who received the homeopathic remedy Cadmium sulph. The second a two year old girl who received Sulphur as her remedy. Both parents of these young girls asked the […]

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HRI 4th Homeopathy International Research Conference – A Towering Success!

By AP admin / July 17, 2019

HRI Conference 2019 London in June is known as the height of “The Season”. The Derby and Ascot Races, Henley Regatta, Chelsea Flower Show, Wimbledon to name a few, form part of a long tradition of summer entertainment and events, which are looked forward to by many people for many months prior. HRI’s 4th Homeopathy […]

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Hyoscyamus niger - homeopathic medicine

Hyoscyamus niger: A case series analysis

By Penny Barron / May 16, 2019

A case series analysis by the Aurum Project was published in June 2009, concerning the remedy Hyoscyamus – commonly used for childhood behavioural problems. The aim of the study was to increase materia medica knowledge. A retrospective study was performed on fifteen children’s cases from over a six year period. This included: age/sex distribution; presenting […]

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Young mother receives treatment for her slum during the Calcutta slum Project, with homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy in India: an innovative healthcare system

By AP admin / May 12, 2019

Kolkata, India: Homeopathy forges the way with an innovative healthcare system We are in a remote village near the Bay of Bengal in India. A shy young mother, beautifully swathed in an indigo sari, holds her baby close as she takes her seat in front of two of Kolkata’s (Calcutta) most eminent homeopathic doctor’s: Dr […]

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tired-woman-in-bed-chronic fatigue

Epstein-Barr virus, Headaches and Homeopathic medicine

By AP admin / April 16, 2019

Eighteen year old Mandy* presented to the Pilbara Natural Medicine Clinic in June 2017 with extreme fatigue and headaches. Suffering for a full two and a half years after developing glandular fever caused by the Epstein Barr virus, Mandy finally found relief with homeopathic medicine. —————————– A very high achiever, Mandy had been so debilitated […]

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