SAHYA SAGARAM - Homeopathic Community Meet-ups
by Agi Mary Joseph
I completed studying Homeopathy in India and I practiced there for ten years before moving to Australia. This gives me the benefit of being involved with homeopathy in two different countries. Every year I wished to join Sahya Sagaram (Homeopathy Meet-ups for homeopaths from the homeopathic community learning group called SAHYA, a school of Homeopathy), but never was able to until last year.

Agi Mary Joseph with homeopathic community at Sahya Sagaram, India
The School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults, SAHYA, is a homeopathic practitioner course, a learning platform for qualified homoeopaths focusing on clinical practice and clinical research. Beginning as an online learning group in 2007, they have expanded into regular yearly training modules that take place at various cities in Kerala, India and so far have turned out approximately 400 trained participants in 12 batches. Every year they conduct a gathering for all SAHYAN homeopaths.
Last year it was held at Emerald Resort Pulamanthole, Kerala on 22nd December. The function was inaugurated by Hon. Minister Dr K T Jaleel. That was the fourth time we gathered and each time we give a name to the event. This time it was ‘A 4 Armadam’ in the local language and it means celebration.
Sahya Sagaram is the long-awaited meet-up of every SAHYAN which happens once in a year. The meet up brings so many moments to cherish for not merely a year but mostly a lifetime. Such is the vigour and trigger of the one day of togetherness filled with so much fun and love..! All of us join in from far off places, sparing all other schedules and priorities.

Dr.SG Biju receiving a gift from Sahya Group
School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults - SAHYA - is the brainchild of founder patron Dr S G Biju. This organisation aims to be a beacon of hope to beginner homeopaths confused about their careers and a support system for those already in practice. Dr S G Biju is a passionate and successful homoeopath with 25 years experience. He is a well-known trainer in the Homoeopathic community as well as prestigious organisations like Junior Chamber International, Rotary Club International etc. Winner of Govt.of Kerala's Dr M.N Pillai award for the best Homoeopath in the private sector and IHK's Dr N.K Jayaram Award.
Choosing to separate itself from any other issues related to homoeopathy, the sole purpose of SAHYA is to encourage people to be able to develop their skills and reach the level of being able to be successful in clinical practice. Thereby expanding the possibilities of our system beyond conventional understanding and its reach in society.
Vision, Mission, and Aims of SAHYA
Vision: An International academy for burgeoning Homoeopathic Trailblazers; unfurl and strengthen the system of Homoeopathy.
Mission: To inspire lifelong learning, advanced medical knowledge, and thus strengthen Homoeopathy by producing trailblazers at their zenith of practical wisdom.
- Guidance to achieve a better career, improved practice and an all-round personal development as a socially committed institution.
- To hone the skills, tone the techniques and help participants overcome their weaknesses and find themselves so they could blaze their trails to success.
- SAHYA does not claim to be a new/separate school of practice. Instead, we simply introduce tried and tested methods and concepts (Drug Medicine Remedy, Disease Patient Person, Miasm, Kingdom etc.) which each participant can implement in their method of practice.
- As each participant requires personal attention and guidance and the module is only scheduled for one Sunday each month, the number of participants to attend each year is limited and are selected through rigorous filtering processes.
- Modules also include sessions in marketing, basic life support training, intro to newer gadgets in practice and guidance in setting up quality clinics. Homeopathy today.
Major Modules for Further Studying Homeopathy
All modules last for 10 months with one day’s session in each month followed by 3 days assignments and its evaluation.
- THARANG - Trailblazer’s Homoeopathic Academy to Revamp a New Generation
- TARGET -Training Academy to Refresh, Generate and Empower talents and tasks. (10 Days Training programme exclusively for Qualified Homoeopaths who want to improve their Homoeopathic Potential.)
- SAHYA Advanced module (School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults)
Module of SAHYA Advanced module (School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Youngsters and Adults)
- Day 1: “Align your wheels” – Get ready for a Race/ DMR
- Day 2: “Raise the Accelerator” – Repertory the Race horse / DPP/ Basics of Miasm .
- Day 3: “First Gear” - The Specialist in me, BLS/Gadgets/Software
- Day 4: “Change Gear” - The Specialist, people know about you/ Miasms in combinations.
- Day 5: “Go-karting” – Basics of Kingdom. / All about Gastroenterology
- Day 6: “Dragster” – Game plan of the Specialist in me, Kingdom the wisdom of Materia Medica /All About Dermatology
- Day 7: “Grand prix” – A branded specialist / All about the respiratory system/ Advanced software repertorisation
- Day 8: “Chicane “ – The groomed specialist in you / Advanced investigation to excel as a specialist / All about Genitourinary System
- Day 9: “Autocross” – An amalgamation of Repertory, Philosophy and Materia Medica / All about ENT
- Day 10: ”Conquest”
Special features of modules
- Group dynamics
- Video analysis of cases for brainstorming
- Assignments to assess attitude
- Aptitude tests to identify the Homoeopath in you
- Learn, unlearn and relearn modules
- Team competitions
Faculty team consists of 25 passionate practicing and successful homoeopaths with many years of experience.
I have attended the SAHYA Online Training, that was held in 2015, further studying homeopathy. An online homeopathy course in India. I conjointly won the most outstanding participant award with Dr Suneef Haneefa BHMS. Dr Suneef, after attending the regular SAHYA course, is now on the faculty of SAHYA and chairman of TAASK. This was my first chance to meet him in person after studying in the same online class in 2015. At this event, I got the chance to meet many SAHYANS and Gurus of the SAHYA online group. Dr, Mubarak, Dr Parameswara Kurup, Dr Sarith Kumar, Dr Asha Jafar, Dr Shanu Shyjal, Dr Rahees K, Dr.Tessin, and many more from the homeopathic community.
The cook of SAHYA homeopathy meet-ups Dr Binoy Vallabhassery made delicious fish curry and Kappa. Music, dance, sports, and food; it was an exhilarating event for every homeopath to relax, and stay connected in a positive environment. I am excitedly looking forward to studying homeopathy at the next Sahya Sagaram (check out their Facebook page) most likely it will occur next year.
Thank you to Brisbane based Aurum Project member Agi Mary Joseph for this blog about how she went to further study homeopathy. She has more than 20 years’ experience, 10 years of which was as a Homeopathic Doctor in India. Agi Mary has completed a 5 ½ year, full-time, Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery in India (BHMS).
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