
Understanding Homeopathy and Quantum Physics New Research in Homeopathy

The Key to Understanding Homeopathy: New Research in Homeopathy

By AP admin / November 12, 2020

A Flight of Confidence By Dimple Kirpalani (B.H.M.S), Homeopath and Aurum Project Member Research is a word which some people link to boring and extensive work. But for us Homeopaths, living in the current environment, understanding Homeopathy and new research in homeopathy has become synonymous with a celebration of our profession. Before I knew much […]

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No longer incontinent, constipated or withdrawn: Plumbum changed this teenager’s life

By AP admin / October 14, 2020

A withdrawn and mistrustful teenager was helped enormously with the homeopathic remedy Plumbum metallicum. He has the typical personality traits and clinical indications of the remedy. The case highlights how a state can be transferred between people: the father had been in a prolonged state of stress during his career, where several of his peers […]

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library of homeopathy books

Update: number of homeopathic remedies available now is 8,661

By AP admin / July 24, 2020

This is an updated version of a blog first written two years ago when we told you that the total number of homeopathic remedies in existence had passed 8,200. According to the latest information the number has just reached 8,661. Of this figure there are a total of 6,107 remedies which have provings. And to […]

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Number 6 vitiligo

Vitiligo in a four year old girl, disappears with homeopathy

By AP admin / June 10, 2020

Little Bandhura* is four years old and she has had vitiligo for six months. This is her chief complaint and it was first noticed in the centre of the nape of her neck. It then gradually spread to her face and the upper eyelid of her left eye. Her mother is keen to pursue homeopathy […]

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Agi Mary Joseph studying homeopathy with homeopathic community

Studying Homeopathy at Meet-Ups in India: Sahya Sagaram

By Michael / May 14, 2020

SAHYA SAGARAM – Homeopathic Community Meet-ups by Agi Mary Joseph I completed studying Homeopathy in India and I practiced there for ten years before moving to Australia. This gives me the benefit of being involved with homeopathy in two different countries. Every year I wished to join Sahya Sagaram (Homeopathy Meet-ups for homeopaths from the homeopathic […]

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