In 2022, our number of Research Pods suddenly shot up. There were so many gardening puns to go with this topic, I can’t help but put a few in.
The Aurum Project (AP) Research Pod (Pod) is a group of professional practitioners undertaking research. The purpose of a Pod is twofold. Firstly, it is to build relationships between colleagues, and increase resilience within our profession of homeopathy. The second, is the research activity the Pod undertakes together. Pods are different to traditional research teams in the way the Pod works together. MORE INFO
By the end of 2022, the following Pods were in operation:
- Molluscum Contagiosum Pod - A collaborative Pod between The Aurum Project and Dr. Sujata Naik’s Homoeopathy Clinic in Mumbai, India
- Rhizome Research Pod - Research Topic: UTI Research
- Systematic Review Pod - Research Topic: Systematic Review of Australian Homeopathy Literature
- Workforce Survey Pod - Research Topic: Workforce Survey of Australian Homeopaths
- Teal Vision Pod - Research Topic: Teal Management Theory
- Water Project Pod - Research Topic: Solomon Islands Water Medicine
- Collaboration between Australian Homeopathic Association and AP on Community Building
- Respiratory Diseases Pod
The Pods are an effective way to prevent good ideas fizzing out. They are set up so that researchers can share ideas, any roadblocks, and specific skills to take a research idea through from start to finish. Finishing ideally with the publication of results and regular presentation of results at an Australian and an internationally renowned conference.
HRI 2022
In 2022, we were unable to have face to face conferences, so we attended the online virtual conference of HRI 2022. Here we had the opportunity to showcase some of the Pods that were in progress. The outcome of this was that we highlighted our commitment to quality research. This has been instrumental in The Aurum Project receiving two Poster Presentation slots in 2023’s face to face HRI conference in London.
The publication of articles in 2022
This paper describes a team approach for enhancing community resilience while undertaking homoeopathy research activity in Australia, named Research Pods. This simultaneously produces relevant and useful content as well as providing essential peer support and connection, which is essential for building resilience. Two theories that align with this Pods concept and are in keeping with homoeopathic philosophy are Self Determination Theory and Teal Organisational Theory. Self Determination Theory identifies the importance of relatedness in creating and maintaining extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Teal Organisational Theory describes three key pillars that define a new model of group interaction, comprising wholeness, evolutionary purpose and self-organisation. Elements of these two theories are fundamental to the Pod initiative and are inherent to homoeopathic practice. This is a novel application of these theories to professional practice and research activity within homoeopathy.
As well as this we had the following article published in Similia June 2022. Written By Sarah Saunders and Linlee Jordan. "Treating infertility with homeopathy. An update to the Liz Lalor Homoeopathy Fertility.”
This article is an update about the latest developments to the Fertility Program created by Liz Lalor in Australia in 1998. It was first developed through the study and adaptation of Dr Leon Vannier’s work and has evolved since then. A revised protocol is presented as well as the current and past success rate over the last twenty–two years. Results are shown through numbers of babies born and failures, and the outcomes are presented from 2003 to 2021 from treating over 500 patients, with a current success rate of 87%.
Pod Blogs
The Aurum Project is now number 10 in the top Homeopathy Blogs for 2022. In recent years, The Aurum Project Pods, have also written blogs for our award winning blog page:
- Thought of a Teal organisation structure for your group? We have!
- Homeopathy research Pod study on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Molluscum contagiosum – A Social Embarrassment
The launch of Pod Cluster Sessions
In 2022, The Aurum Project launched Cluster Sessions. These are one hour sessions where our Research Pod members share updates on their research project with other Pod members and Aurum Project Members. It is a welcomed opportunity for our researchers to join together and share their ideas. It is also to assist members in staying up to date with what they are doing.
During the session there is an open discussion after the short presentations for questions and reflections. We feel the cross fertilisation of ideas and solutions help everyone in their endeavours.
NZ Homeopathy Conference April 2022
AP director Linlee Jordan gave a presentation on “Recognising & resolving pre-autistic traits using homoeopathy” The subtitle was: "He eats only white foods: sugar, eggs, coconut and grated bones"
After delving into the life of obsessive French composer Erik Satie and his rigid diet, it’s easy to see why he has become the poster child of the Avoidant/ Restrictive Food Intake Disorder diagnosis and more broadly of Aspergers or autism.
Linlee became fascinated by Satie’s white meal preferences. This was the leaping off point to explore colour-based food choices and selective eating, with a special focus on people who hover around the spectrum. Early signs of autism are important rubrics. A new world of understanding opened up about causations and presentations of some behaviours and the materia medica which they were illustrating.
Foods that are white may be more tolerable for individuals with sensory issues and hypersensitivity. Remedies explored include Carc, mammal remedies, the Lacs, Saccharum and Triticum-vg. Linlee shared cases still in progress and some resolved cases which were once in the mystery basket. A mammal remedy case of squirrel was included.
As homeopaths we can view selective eating/ picky eating as the tip of the iceberg of underlying problems such as anxiety, depression, sensory processing disorder, autism, and ADHD. Homeopathy has a profound role to play in early intervention and also the ongoing problems of older children to halt progress towards deeper problems.
The Aurum Project’s Bookbarn stock list and sales continue to go from strength to strength. This supports students and practitioners in Australia and New Zealand and successfully raises a good chunk of the funds necessary to run our non-profit organisation.
Moving forward in 2023
To support the communication of all the research achievements from 2022, The Aurum Project is honoured to have been accepted to present 7 Poster Presentations at conferences in London and Brisbane in 2023. This will support these current Research Pods and present new opportunities for the future.
We are very grateful for our teams of volunteers, members, research participants, and donors. Your dedication is incredibly encouraging and we can’t do any of this without you.