Where it all began
My journey to the 74th LHMI 2019 (Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis) conference in Sorrento, Italy last month, all started with the question, “what does Homeopathy look like in Europe?”

Entrance to the 74th LMHI 2019 World Congress of Homeopathy. Pictured Lorena Mattiolo and Jane Lindsay
Fast forward to a year later where a series of coincidences and sliding door moments, led to a results abstract from The Aurum Project's “Survey of Homeopathic Practice in Australia” being accepted as a Poster presentation at the World Congress of Homeopathy, an international homeopathic conference 2019 in Italy. The poster titled, The Holographic Nature of Homeopathic Practice in Australia, aimed to present the results of the survey with a particular focus on the age range and conditions presented in the 0-18 year age range. This poster is available to view and download at HERE
The Poster Presentation

Lorena Mattiolo Holding the Poster Award for Aurum Project Poster The Holographic Nature of Homeopathic Practice in Australia
The poster was well received, complimented on both its design and its high-quality results. It is with pride that I humbly stood beside and presented the poster which reflected the hard work and willingness of all those who participated in the survey, who worked and continue to work on the project and everyone who contributed to the design and delivery of the poster. THANK YOU!! I can only hope I conveyed the collective energy and unity of the Australian Homeopathic Community in my discussions with colleagues from all parts of Europe and beyond.
The theme of the conference, the medicine of the future from the ancient heart was a brilliant and very contemporary thread woven through the many high-quality presentations and posters. Approximately 800 delegates from all continents comprising of Homeopaths, Veterinarians, Pharmacists, and Dentists joined the Welcome Reception on the 24 September. Guests were treated to a concert devoted to the great masters of music who were cured by Homeopathy (Chopin, Paganini, Beethoven, Schumann, Cole Porter).
Highlights of the 74th LMHI World Congress of Homeopathy
The following day the congress was officially opened with the Mayor of Sorrento welcoming us to his city and sharing his appreciation for Homeopathy. This was followed by Professor Francesco Negro tracing the history of Italian Homeopathy and that of nearby Naples and its role as one of the main dissemination points of Homeopathy throughout Europe.
One of the highlights was the presentation by the Physicist, Fritjof Capra who presented Life and Science: a systemic view. He positioned Homeopathic Medicine as the benchmark of Systemic Medicine. He spoke to the sophistication and subtlety that Homeopathic Practitioners develop in their practice on many levels and the richness of the understanding they can offer their community at this point in our world today.
Rachel Roberts from the HRI also presented Challenging inaccurate influential literature on homeopathy and opened with an update on the Australian Landscape and Homeopathic Practice in Australia and was given a standing ovation.
The call for unity as a worldwide Homeopathic community
What this may look like moving into the future in regards to collaborations, data collection and research were also common themes at the World Congress of Homeopathy.
My initial question, “What does Homeopathy look like in Europe?” was answered. It looks not so different to the Australian landscape in many respects, with many challenges but also many opportunities for growth, transformation, and dialogue to create a strong network where individualisation is celebrated within the network of unity, such as that provided at The Aurum Project.
Thank you to Aurum Project research team member Lorena Mattiolo for contributing this blog about her poster presentation at the 74th lmhi 2019 World Congress of Homeopathy held at Sorrento Italy.