The Autism Support Project

Homeopathy is recognised by the W.H.O. as the 2nd largest therapeutic system in the world.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental condition in the western world. In 2015, there were 164,000 Australians with autism, a 42.1% increase from the 115,400 with the condition in 2012. (Australian Bureau of Statistics.)
The Autism Support Project was set up in 2013, by Linda Beaver from the Newtown Homeopathic Centre in conjunction with the Aurum Project. This initiative was in response to the increase in ASD children and because parents are searching for answers in natural therapies.
There are a growing number of practitioners around Australia who are Autism Support Project Recognised Providers.
Selected practitioners have been recognised because of their experience and training in this field. They are fully qualified homeopaths and members of professional associations. They have participated in a process of peer review, case presentation and ongoing professional development about developmental problems in children.
Research in India showed: 72% of cases who continued treatment for more than six months showed significant improvement in: hyperactive behaviour; restlessness and tantrums; sensory problems and eye contact.
50% of cases (without significant retardation) who continued for more than two years were able to attend mainstream school.
Five and a half year old Jamie had low muscle tone as one of a cluster of problems. He didn’t have the core strength to stand up for long and would lie down to play with his toys and whenever possible. Four weeks after receiving a homeopathic medicine Jamie was able to play sitting up.
Previously fearful of physical challenges, he surprised his mother when he enjoyed a trip to a fun park and went careering down the water slide. His improved muscle tone had given him the confidence in his body to be more bold.
In the same four weeks his sleep improved, his reading improved and he went up a size in clothes. These beneficial side effects were a welcome bonus. Like most children on the spectrum Jamie has continued treatment for several years.
We’re inviting those who love homeopathy to make donations so that we can continue to research the benefits for children just like Jamie.
Perhaps you are deeply appreciative of how homeopathy has benefited you and your family and would enjoy knowing that your donation is assisting another family.