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Word - index with rubrics of Dr Kent's repertory (Patel)
Word - index with rubrics of Dr Kent's repertory (Patel)
The idea of indexing Kent's Repertory of Materia Medica originated as far back as in 1958 but it was only in 1968, the actual work began. During my general and consulting practice, I found a lot of difficulties to locate the required symptom (s) or rubric (s) in Kent's Repertory. Many times I was thoroughly disgusted (as many might have felt) to use or refer Kent's Repertory because I meet disappointments several times in searching a symptom (rubric) within a required time though I know very well the plan and frame-work of the repertory. "The problems, encountered in attempting to use Kent's Repertory are two fold. The First difficulty is to know where to look to find the symptoms. The Second is that, when you have succeeded in locating the different rubrics, there are usually so many drugs from which to choose that finding the one drug that is common to each list and has the highest rank, is a time-consuming exercise'5. (Dr. Jack, R. A. F.) For a novice to search for a required rubric is a forbidding task. The word-index may help practitioners to use Kent's Repertory more frequently- and ease their work. Following several disappointments (inspite of hard and laborious work with genuine interest for a case I had,) led me to index Kent's Repertory of Materia Medica. First I thought that it would be completed within a year or two and it was announced once upon a time that it will be published soon but I regretted it later on as I found that it was not so easy to index such a huge work. After seven years of continuous work, at one stage it was decided to stop the work of indexing due to several reasons but several inquiries from India and abroad about the work gave me strength to carry on the work inspite of many hurdles. I have tried my best to make it a complete word-index of the Repertory and I hope it will be useful to Homoeopathic practitioners to save their valuable time. Before actual use of this work, reader or user is requested to go through the whole book page by page to acquaint himself, with the contents so that he knows what is there in this book which can offer him the best service. If not satisfied with one look of each and every page, please go through again and I am sure you will be interested to know that you will use it more frequently as I do. It takes only three hours to go through the whole book. Please keep the following points in mind while using this work. |
Hardback 1047 pages