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Therapeutic hints* (Das Gupta)
SUMMARY OF THERAPEUTIC HINTS Diseases have been described one by one. Also the course they ordinarily follow, together with the remedies which the masters of Homoeopathy have actually found most helpful at every stage. The requirements of bed-side work have thus been always kept in view and the greatest facility has been afforded towards the quick and correct selection of a remedy.
The keynote of the present volume is its intensely practical character. Its basis throughout is clinical experience as a guide to the practice of Homoeopathy, and to make the work as authoritative as possible, the clinical experiences of the most eminent physicians such as Jahr, Baehr, Hering, Farrington, Jousset, Dewey, Kent, Hempel, Hahnemann etc. have been brought into requisition and have been marshalled in the order which ensures the greatest facility of reference. Diseases have been taken up one by one and the course they ordinarily follow, has in most cases been detailed, together with the remedies which the masters of Homoeopathy have actually found most helpful at every stage. The requirements of bed-side work have thus been always kept in view and the greatest facility has been afforded towards the quick and correct selection of a remedy.The diseases have, with a view to secure facility of reference, been arranged in alphabetical order instead of in accordance with their pathological classification. An elaborate index and special hints for diagnosing diseases have been added to do away, as far as possible, with the difficulties which laymen and beginners are apt alike to experience.
For example:
The main remedies are Aeon, Ant C, Ant T, Bry, Ipecac, Merc S, Nux V, Puis, Rhus T, Sepia, Verat A, See also Gastric Derangements and General Fever remedies.
The main remedies are Aeon, Ant C, Bell, Bry, Gels, Kali Bi, Lachesis, Lyco, Natr M, Selenium, Verat V.
See also Heatstroke, Sunstroke.
Hardback 610 pages
Please note: This is a second hand book and may show signs of being loved by a previous owner: there may be wear and tear, corners may be creased, the previous owners name may be written inside the front page and even sometimes underlining of words. However, sometimes the book may also be new. Also the cover or edition may vary from the one shown. 🙂