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Some essays on homoeopathy (Dimitriadis)
Some essays on homoeopathy (Dimitriadis)
1 Life of Hahnemann
2 Dosage and dispensing
3 Arithmetic comparisons of dilution etc
4 The Scientificity of Homoeopathy
5 Questions
6 Hahnemsnn's writings
This excerpt below is from the chapter "The Scientificity of Homoeopathy" shows that the fundamental aspects of scientificity – observability, reproducibility, predictability and testability – have been realised in homeopathy. The Materia Medica Pura, the law of similars, the necessity of the application of single remedies in proving and therapy as well as the development of potentisation followed these criteria of scientificity.
I have used the term scientificity to describe the scientific nature of Homœopathy. My aim in this short discourse is to impress upon you this scientificity in order that you will be better able to defend Homœopathy as most scientific against even the strongest attacks.
In my own experience, attacks on Homœopathy have come from those considering themselves scientific and yet who are committed to opinion and opposition without first observing the action of Homœopathy. These same people arrogate themselves to the position of scrutineer on such scientific matters, without any serious attempt to observe the results of controlled experiments or to falsify the claims of homœopaths, simply dismissing them as quickly as they were brought to their attention. Such individuals can only be regarded as pseudo-scientific parasites, since they postulate without first gathering their data and blindly follow in the opinions of their confederates. It is not difficult to see that only a few scientists are more than followers of routine (pre-determined, accepted) methods and thoughts, and that only few are the inspiration, the backbone of true objective inquisition and logical reflection who explore beyond the "norm", yet without losing sight of the very process of real science, which is the topic of this paper. We must welcome critical analyses but strongly reject any opinions passed in the wake of ignorance.
Small paperback 111 pages