The Aurum Project Homeopathy & Natural Health Book Barn
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Published in November 2005, Volume 2 includes notes on new remedies:
Almond, Ametrine, Apple, Ash, Banyan, Blue Poppy, Bog Asphodel, Brown Rice, Buddleia, Butterfly, Cotton, Forget-me-not, Frankincense, Hazel, Holly Berry, Kigelia, Natrum Fluor, Nettle, Olive, Orange, Phantom, Quartz Rose, Sandalwood, Selenite, Silver Birch, Slate, Snowdrop, Thymus Gland, Wych Elm
plus advice on prescribing and other channelled information on human development and esoteric aspects of health and disease
Hardback: 247 pages
ISBN: 978-0953888016
Published in 2005