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Getting Back On Track: Using Megapotency Homeopathy (Turland) (New)
Getting Back On Track: Using Megapotency Homeopathy (Turland) (New)
This is a book that is going to rock you back on your heels and get you thinking along new lines. It will enable you to lift up your life and get free of social conditioning that has been crippling us all for thousands of years.
These ten remedies - Aconite, Arnica, Conium, Hypericum, Hydrastis, Ignatia, Ledum, Ruta graveolens, Staphisagria and Symphytum - when used in megapotencies, can release stored emotions, attitudes and false beliefs while stimulating the body to heal itself of the traumatic shocks that began the downhill progress into disease. Get rid of the cause, and the problem fixes itself.
These ten remedies - Aconite, Arnica, Conium, Hypericum, Hydrastis, Ignatia, Ledum, Ruta graveolens, Staphisagria and Symphytum - when used in megapotencies, can release stored emotions, attitudes and false beliefs while stimulating the body to heal itself of the traumatic shocks that began the downhill progress into disease. Get rid of the cause, and the problem fixes itself.
Ten common homeopathic remedies in very high (mega) potencies, can release commonly stored emotions, attitudes and false beliefs, thus allowing the body to heal itself of a wide range of physical complaints. Read what you can do to get your life back on track. Healing your emotions, freeing yourself of your accumulated emotional baggage and getting your life on track, is not traumatic, not a slow process, does not require intense investigation into your childhood nor the re-experiencing of traumas. It does not require hours or years of counselling, psychology, hypnosis, auto-suggestion, religious conversion, past-life therapy, meditation, vegetarianism, self-analysis, relationship analysis, praying, New Year resolutions, will-power, months in the wilderness or sailing singlehanded around the world.
Getting Back on Track shows you the true healing. Not the way to unrestrained, detrimental emotions, not the way to violent outbursts of anger or floods of tears of grief, not the way to guilt-free irresponsibility. None of these is healthy, either. What you will get is personal growth, so that new insight gives you freedom from anger, freedom from grief, freedom from guilt, freedom from fear, and with this freedom, a new strength to take positive steps towards your own, and therefore planetary healing.
372 pages medium sized paperback