How a tiny dish led me to deep healing

Thank you to Aurum Project Member, Merryn Gibbons for sharing a review of the NZCH Conference. We acknowledge Merryn for sharing her personal reflections stemming from the presentations.  Trigger warning of topics of death and loss.

On the first weekend of September, I went to the NZ Homeopathy Conference in Christchurch. I hadn’t considered going as I am a second year student studying through the NZ College of Natural Health and Homeopathy, based in Sydney. I knew some online student friends and mentors would be there, but I couldn’t justify the expense to go.

As part of my studies I have been attending the student clinic run by Penny Barron at the Harbord Homeopathic Clinic, Sydney. It was here that I got chatting to Susanna Shelton about a little product I had developed on the side – a tiny dish used to dispense homeopathic remedies in, instead of the little plastic caps or slippery teaspoons. In her enthusiasm for The Dosing Dish, she encouraged me to take it to the NZ Conference to see how it might sell. With the additional encouragement of my family, (and flights on sale!) I decided to take the leap over the ditch.

I had been to Christchurch once before, when we travelled around New Zealand with my four young children. It was a few weeks before the big Earthquake. Fourteen years later I was surprised to see so many still vacant blocks and buildings under repair. Despite the construction everywhere, I found it to be very quiet. Clearly the rebuilding of Christchurch was going slowly but that reminded me that healing can be quiet and slow and there is often purpose in that slowness. I could connect with that as I considered how long it has taken me on this path to become a Homeopath in my early 50’s.

Friday night at the Conference was filled with very warm welcomes and delightful responses to my little dishes. This was NZ’s first conference in person since before the CV Pandemic and everyone was clearly valuing being back together in person, as was experienced at the AHA Conference in Brisbane late 2023. The opening session on Saturday was moving and encouraging as a Maori Healer Ariana Sutton shared some of the rich heritage of this land’s natural medicines and healing journey. It was heart filling and made me immediately glad that I had come. Other sessions through the day shared various ideas for consideration, an inspiring case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, and a beautiful insight into the remedy made from the conifer Rimu, endemic to New Zealand. I finished the day with dinner with a small group of mentors who have become friends, and my heart felt warm and content. I was certainly not expecting where my heart and soul would be taken on Sunday.

First up Sunday morning we heard from Veda Austin about the memory and magic of water. Her stories of miraculous survival and overcoming deep trauma was astounding in itself, but then to hear of her work was a whole extra level of inspiration and awe at the incredible creation entrusted to us. What I found particularly astounding was the imagery presented by her fast freezing technique which is surely indisputable proof that water has intelligence and intention and carries ancient information and a sonic signature. I highly recommend everyone look into her work.

What came next was totally unexpected. The following session was the sharing a deeply moving case which caught me off guard and ripped my heart open.  Just 5 weeks ago I lost a very close friend. She had been living with severe spinal, neck and facial pain and subsequent mental health challenges for decades. She had searched high and low for answers and relief, even returning to her home country for some respite and hopefully restoration. A terrible fall shattered any progress she had made and destroyed all her hope, and she chose to end it all. Needless to say we were devastated. The case that was shared mirrored my friends journey so deeply that it broke me apart and I had to leave the session to compose myself. My grief is still raw and I thought I could just push it aside for the weekend. But instead, my heart was ripped wide open for my grief to flood out again.

A beautiful soul came to my aid and held me while I sobbed. Once I gained some composure, she encouraged me to go outside and get some fresh air, to sit in the sun and go slowly. She also encouraged me to ask for a sign from my friend, to show she was around me and at peace. Since her passing I knew that she was at peace and finally free from the pain and torment she was suffering for so many years, but I guess I wasn’t yet at peace within myself. My friend’s daughters felt she had shown up for them as a butterfly, so I wondered if that’s what I would see. Since there were no flowerbeds around I admittedly doubted it would happen, but felt drawn to have some time of solace anyway.

I don’t like to say I am a religious person, as I know all too well the many failures of, and deep hurts inflicted by, the church. But I am a spiritual person and hold my Christian faith deep in my heart. It is core to my being. The more I learn about homeopathy the more I am in awe of the God I believe has created it all. It blows my mind.  So I sat on that Christchurch bench in the sun for quite some time, breathing deeply, silently praying and thinking about the water and my grief and homeopathy and my family and my future. In the stillness I felt God tell my soul “I AM IN IT”. “I am in the water. I am in the medicine. I am in your grief. I am in it all. Keep going.” As my tears fell my heart felt warm and held, and I received an assurance that I was on the right path studying homeopathy and that God was with me all the way.

Strangely that morning I had a last minute change of mind to wear my ‘Raspberry Dress’. As I opened my eyes on that sunny street bench I realised that amongst the printed raspberries and leaves on my dress were indeed many white butterflies! She showed up! In a very unexpected but creative way. As an audible chuckle released from my mouth, I thanked my friend for showing up! For showing me she was free and healed and at peace. And I thanked God for His presence and assurance and love that filled my soul.

In time I returned to the conference and finished the day hearing of a case of Bulimia helped by the remedy from the Grizzly Bear, and of the beauty of Ruby Immersion. I shared beautiful moments with many homeopaths, receiving so much comfort and love. I even won a wonderful prize – a Mini Kit of Homeobotanicals!

The intimacy of this gathering, with only 80 delegates, made this a very nurturing and safe space. I learnt so much, felt so much and made so many wonderful friends. I couldn’t help but ponder, had I not made The Dosing Dish, I would never have come to the conference at Christchurch. I would never have met these amazing people or had this incredible experience. So whatever this little side business brings, I am so grateful for what it’s already given me!!

The Dosing Dish is available to buy in AP Book Barn fundraising gifts

I didn’t take any remedy that weekend. Perhaps just being around Homeopaths and the healing energy that was shared, and the beautiful spiritual experience I had, was enough to bring me some healing. Or perhaps, in the words of the beautiful New Zealand singer Brooke Fraser, there was Something in the Water! Whatever it was, it was healing.


Michael Cowdroy from Duoz Media is a staunch supporter of homeopathy. He maintains The Aurum Project website and advises The Aurum Project team on IT issues and other wonders of nature