Where can Australians study homeopathy?

Are you interested in studying Homeopathy and wondering where you can study?

Although homeopathy has been in existence for over 250 years, many people are not aware of its effectiveness at stimulating the body’s own healing energies. However, it has benefited millions of people from countries all over the world, and as each person is different, homeopathy is prescribed on an individual basis. For instance, two people might be suffering from the same illness e.g. a migraine, however, individual symptoms can vary enormously, and different homeopathic remedies are prescribed according to the physical symptoms, mental and emotional symptoms and the general sensitivities of the person concerned.

There have been numerous clinical trials of homeopathy which show positive results, the list below is from the Faculty of Homeopathy’s research website, which lists all of the trial details:

  • childhood diarrhoea
  • hay fever
  • post-operative ileus
  • respiratory tract infection
  • rheumatic diseases

Therefore, many who have experienced the beneficial effects of homeopathy for themselves, or their family, are interested in learning how to use homeopathic first aid treatments, and once they have seen how quickly results may be seen, may wish to study homeopathy in depth. 

Right now is the best time for Australians to start to study homeopathy because we are on the cusp of experiencing a boom in homeopathy in Australia.

Homeopathy is now on the Skilled Occupations List for Immigration

The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) is a list of skilled occupations that are in high demand by the Australian economy. The intention of the list is to meet the long term shortages of occupations, rather than any immediate shortages. If anybody is thinking of applying for certain visa subclasses, their occupation must be on the SOL.

So who decides what occupations are listed? Every year, the SOL is reviewed by the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (AWPA) and consequently updated on 1 July of every year. When AWPA reviews these lists, they obtain statists from many different unions, industry associations and government bodies, in order to determine a balance between the supply and demand of available jobs in Australia.

What does it mean now that Homeopathy is on the list?

There are several benefits for the industry overall:

  • An increase in Homeopaths in Australia, offers more health options for Australians
  • There is likely to be an increase in constructive Homeopathy based support available to Australians, lifting the mainstream understanding of Homeopathy
  • This has opened a path for those wishing to emigrate to Australia, to study Homeopathy first
  • Government Agencies are supporting the growth of Homeopathy
  • More homeopaths in Australia has the potential to increase Australian Homeopathy research

Homeopathy study options for Australians

The courses listed below have undergone an audit process and have successfully met all of the required criteria for accreditation by The Australian Register of Homeopaths (ARoH). The audit criteria used for educational courses is the Course Accreditation Guide, (currently under review) accompanied by the Accreditation Checklist.

This list was last updated August 2024.

E-Learning Course in Classical Homeopathy

This course contains the full teachings of Prof. George Vithoulkas based on the highest educational standards according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It has already been accredited by many medical universities around the world and is accredited by the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH).

The Course covers five Thematic Units: Theory, Materia Medica, Repertorization, Levels of Health and Cases and Analysis, in ten Training Modules.  The pioneering theory of the Levels of Health will enable the students to deeply understand the process their patient is going through, when to apply what potency, how often to repeat it, and what to expect as a reaction.

Course Duration: Two years
Delivery: Online
ARoH Accreditation: Yes
Title: Diploma of Homeopathy
Features of the course: Moderator who answers student questions in a forum; Tests; Final Online Exams; Extensive Notes; Questions for each video/lecture; Portions of books from Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkas for each video/lecture and Study Guide.

This course is suitable for:

  • Beginners who wish to study Homeopathy and the core elements of practise.
  • Practitioners of other alternative sciences eg. Ayurveda, Herbalists, Massage etc.
  • Naturopaths who have qualified in Australia and wish to strengthen their knowledge of Homeopathy
  • Doctors, pharmacists, dentists, medical scientists and pathologists who are interested in knowing more about Homeopathy.
  • Practising Homeopaths who wish to strengthen their clinical skills and knowledge or wish to contribute towards research

Read more about E-learning Course with Prof George Vithoulkas

E-Learning College of Natural Health & Homeopathy 

The College of Natural Health & Homeopathy (CNHH, formerly Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy) has been providing professional training in homeopathy since 1989. Based in New Zealand but available in Australia and worldwide. CNHH is fully accredited  by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and approved for student loans and allowances (some Australians may qualify for financial assistance.) 

The course content is based upon educational guidelines developed by the European and International Council of Homeopaths since 1991. Our aim is to teach students the essential knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to become independent and accountable healthcare practitioners. Our homeopathy curriculum integrates the study of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, conventional drug action, psychology & social sciences, research theory, ethical practice in contemporary health care alongside the history, philosophy and practice of homeopathy. 

Our faculty and staff are dedicated and experienced professionals, highly trained in the areas to which they teach and support.  They maintain professional registration and continuing education in their fields. Students are provided technical, academic, clinical and pastoral care support throughout their training.  

Graduates become part of our family of alumni – many of whom are highly successful practitioners that mentor and teach and serve the homeopathic community in New Zealand, Australia and internationally.

Course Duration: 4 years part time or 2 years full time
Delivery: Online with state of the art student learning platform for teaching, assessments and interaction with our team of professionals. Periodic face2face gatherings with video linkages take place depending on local public health safety guidelines.
ARoH Accreditation: Yes
Commences: “Rolling enrolments” provide the opportunity to enrol at any time and flexible course progression.
Title: NZ Diploma of Homeopathy (Level 6)
Features of the course: Flexible, online learning with excellent student support. Options for face2face or secure video links to clinical training, tutorials and study groups.
RPL: Recognition for Prior Learning and cross crediting options; some financial support options; bridging opportunities to accredited (in NZ) animal homeopathy specialisation as well as other natural health modalities. 

This course is suitable for:

  • People who want to pursue a career in Homeopathy. We provide comprehensive, relevant training to prepare our students for successful professional practice.
  • For practitioners of other natural health therapies, allied health or conventionally trained medical professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and include homeopathy as part of their clinical services. (RPL available).
  • Short courses available for beginners and consumers who want to be empowered to use homeopathy at home for common minor ailments.

Read more about study options on  (Video link chats with our enrolment team are available to discuss any questions about our programmes.)

Switch on Health, QLD, Australia (E-learning)

Switch on Health is an Australian college offering a practitioner level qualification that is accredited with both the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) and the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (ARoH).  You can choose to study any of their single subjects, which all count towards the Advanced Diploma qualification.  If you are after something more just for your own interest, they offer a range of short courses in Homoeopathy and other topics that contain high quality content for a fraction of the price.  

Each of their subjects and short courses also has sample content that you can view for free, even without enrolling.  

Title: Advanced Diploma of Homeopathic Practice. This course is online and as well you need to complete clinic hours in a homeopathy clinic.
ARoH Accreditation: Yes
Course duration: 3 years part time (you can work through the modules faster to finish earlier than this if you choose).
Delivery: E-learning plus 200 face to face clinic hours at a homeopathy clinic.
Course Details: Advanced Diploma in Homoeopathic Practice.  This qualification is designed to equip graduates with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be successful practitioners.  Delivery is online, allowing you to study where and when you want, and at your own pace.  Simply login and learn.  Tutor support is available throughout, together with a supportive peer network that is facilitated by the college.  Practical Clinic training can be undertaken with one or more supervisors in your local area, with an allowable percentage of Clinic training also able to be completed online.  Our mission statement: Everyone has the right to a happier and healthier life.
RPL: Recognition of prior learning for Naturopaths and other health professionals is available and whilst it is a rigorous process, it will facilitate a smooth upgrade to become qualified and professionally recognised in Homoeopathy.

Read more about the Advanced Diploma of Homeopathic Practice

The School of Homeopathy, UK

The School of Homeopathy was established by Misha Norland in 1981 and is the longest running homeopathy school in the UK. They offer online homeopathic certification courses with excellent online tuition: a Foundation Course; Diploma of Homeopathy and Advanced Homeopathy. They also have a Summer School in June so that students from Australia can meet up with other students and undertake intensive five-day lectures. Over 4,500 students in more than 80 countries have studied with them. 

Title: Diploma Homeopathy/ Higher Diploma
ARoH Accreditation: Yes
Course duration: 4 years
Delivery: Attendancecorrespondence and e-learning options are available
Read more about The School of Homeopathy Diploma of Homeopathy

The Academy of Homeopathy Education (AHE) New York

AHE offers part-time and full-time didactic and clinical homeopathy training live online via real-time interactive video conferencing. AHE was established by Denise Straiges and Alastair Gray (who spent two decades practicing/teaching in Sydney, Australia). They are committed to raising the bar in homeopathy education and clinical training worldwide and offer flexible times to ensure that students around the globe have the opportunity to study. Denise and Alastair visit Australia each year and, enrolment numbers permitting, will supplement live training in Australia.
Course duration: Two-year and four year programs are available
ARoH Accreditation: Pending
Delivery: Interactive, live streamed classes
Read more about the Academy of Homeopathy Education New York

Membership options

AHA student membership is free

Student membership of the Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) is free. AHA Student membership is available to students of any health modality residing in Australia or New Zealand or those in other countries who are studying at an Australian institution. You can sign up by clicking here.

AHA General membership is open to the public

General membership of the AHA is open to anyone. This includes practitioners who are registered with other bodies and want access to AHA resources, retired professional members and members of the general publice who are keenly interested in homeopathy. General AHA members receive:

  • discounts for AHA events and conferences
  • AHA publications in both hard copy and electronic form
  • password protected access to the AHA website
  • items produced by the AHA and free advertisiing of a certain size in the AHA national newsletter.

They can also join AHA branch committes as non-voting members.

You can sign up by clicking here.

Homeopathy student groups

Student group at The Harbord Homeopathic Clinic, Sydney

This clinic has a homeopathic student group for those who are studying homeopathy online with any of the colleges. The aim of this is to bring students together, to help counter possible feelings of isolation when studying online. The clinic also takes recent graduates who benefit from coming for a day of clinical practice experience.

study online or in a group - australia

When: Students and recent graduates may approach the clinic anytime and are accepted according to availability.
Delivery: On a Tuesday or Friday with cases, and lively discussion on a chosen topic.


Student group at The Healing Homeopathy Clinic, Perth

This clinic has a homeopathic student group for those who are studying homeopathy online with IAC

H and George Vithoulkis.
When: Student group is once a week Thursday morning 10.30am.
Delivery: Student group is in a circle with discussion of certain difficult concepts.
Contact: Please phone 0452223617 Dimple Kirpalani

“You are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your life… The study of homeopathy will inspire you, challenge you and change you. You will learn about nature and how it interacts with human nature. You will forge life-long relationships as will find your place in a community of dedicated healers working towards positive change in health and wellness”. From the AHE website

AP admin

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