Harness Your Success
The Harness Your Success auditing workshops held by the Aurum Project, help to foster the development and progression of homeopathic research in Australia. The collection and recording of data from a clinic or several clinics increases knowledge about healthcare in many different areas. By looking at clinical data collected at the grassroots level, homeopaths help to contribute to the establishment and growth of homeopathic research in Australia.
The workshops have been called Harness Your Success because the function of collecting data is not only to help further research and the success of homeopathy in general, but it is also for the homeopath to record their own success in practice. The workshops help with the identification, understanding and application of data from many untapped sources. Australia wide, Homeopaths and natural therapists have a wealth of clinical and practical experience, yet this potential remains unexplored and unpublished.
Workshop Outline
- Why bother to audit your practice?
- Models and methods
- Identify the focus of your audit
- Collect data by the most simple, practical & appropriate methods
- How to manage your data
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses
- Present these results to colleagues
- Make changes to your practice from looking at your data
- Acknowledge the improvements you’ve made so far
- Marketing, professional development & research interests