Book Review: Treat Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Yourself by Jon Gamble

This review is generously written by Susanna Shelton, Director of College of Natural Health & Homeopathy.

Jon Gamble and his wife and colleague Nyema Hermiston have created a series of pocket books to inform and encourage consumers dealing with challenging conditions; e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); childhood ear infections, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). These ‘pocket rockets’ pack a punch with a wealth of practical information ranging from nutritional and lifestyle advice to homoeopathic support. They serve not only the consumers for which they are aimed, but also create a great reference for students and practitioners of homoeopathy and other modalities.

Jon Gamble’s most recent pocket book is: Treat Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Yourself. It is particularly timely in light of the increase in post viral syndromes & CFS that have emerged from the Covid 19 pandemic. This slim and user friendly volume provides a comprehensive and multi disciplinary view of CFS. It acknowledges the debilitating and often misunderstood condition but offers hope and practical approaches for its treatment and management.

Jon is really gifted with an ability to explain the symptoms and possible causes of CFS in a way that avoids over-simplification or over-complicating. He uses well sequenced narratives to describe and define the condition and offers hopefulness and proactive solutions without over-promising. This is all grounded in Jon’s extensive experience in treating patients suffering from complex and seemingly irreversible problems.

His clinical perspective is shaped by his training in osteopathy, homoeopathy and naturopathy. Over the last 20 years, Jon has engaged with new and emerging diagnostic tools available to conventional and complementary practitioners (e.g. Tox screens for moulds and mycotoxins, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Microbiome assessment, IgG food sensitivity panels, Oligoscan etc.) These tests offer him clearer pictures of what factors may be contributing to the suffering of his patients. With greater knowledge and experience has come better results for many folks who had given up on ever feeling better.

In this “pocketbook” on CFS, Jon offers us a distillation of his findings, along with very practical recommendations that patients can use to relieve symptoms and maintain wellness. Jon describes dietary or supplementation strategies that assist in many cases. Consumers are encouraged to be proactive in addressing environmental and dietary obstacles to cure, as well as seeking support from health professionals with specialised skills –e.g. registered homoeopaths for the prescription of individualised potentised medicines. This pocketbook provides: a Table of Contents, Appendices, a section on Resources and Further Reading, all to guide readers to specific information.

Jon uses a tone that is educational without being jargon laden, condescending or judgemental. He offers hope without fantastical or magical promises and gives practical and achievable steps towards management of symptoms and wellness. This is such a breath of fresh air and encouragement for CFS sufferers as many of them have been misdiagnosed and or had their very distressing symptoms minimised by conventional practitioners. Jon acknowledges the suffering that is experienced by CFS patients and identifies practical measures to alleviate symptoms and pathways that might lead to permanent resolution of complex syndromes.

All of the Jon Gamble and Nyema Hermiston books are available from the Aurum Project Book Barn. RRP of AU$9.99 (plus shipping)

Postscript: I’d also like to note that Jon Gamble has also written a young adult novel as well as a 4 volume “Mastering Homeopathy” series. The 4th Volume titled: Mastering Chronic Disease: Toxicity, Deficiency & Infection, was published in early 2022; a 244 page paperback. His wife and colleague Nyema has authored: Good News for people with Bad News in 2014 (329 page paperback) which I found inspiring and educational when it came to my attention in 2020. Nyema & Jon co authored: A Parents Guide to Drug-Free Solutions for Common Complaints (3 editions between 2010 & 2019; paperback; 134 pages). I commend these additional volumes to consumers, colleagues and students; contact the Book Barn for availability.

Susanna Shelton, BA, MDiv, AdvDipHom, RCHom (Life), AHA (General)
Director of College of Natural Health & Homeopathy, (CNHH), training homeopaths on line, worldwide.

Susanna is American by birth and undergrad education. Her post grad degree and homeopathic training were completed in the 1980s in the UK. From 1991 she has been practising, teaching and managing homeopathy colleges in New Zealand and Australia. Susanna was a founding editor and frequent contributor to Homeopathy NewZ, a monthly publication for the NZ homeopathic community. Since 2015, she’s been a Life Member of the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths and since 2020, happily resident in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia. She is a member of The Aurum Project.

Mastering Chronic Disease: Toxicity, Deficiency and Infection (Gamble)

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Product Details
Author: Gamble

Illnesses of the 21st century are increasingly different. We are now faced with more patients presenting with autism, thyroid disorders, severe allergies, chronic fatigue, estrogen excess and chemical sensitivity. Successfully treating these patients challenges our reliance on conventional pathology tests.

If we are not achieving the successful outcomes for our patients we must ask ourselves: are we recognising contemporary obstacles to cure? What further tests can we utilise to identify the hidden causes of chronic disease?

In this offering, drawn from 30+ years in treating complex cases, Jon Gamble guides you, case by case, through the innovative methods he has developed for treating chronically ill patients. He describes how he resolves unresponsive cases and reveals the crucial obstacles to cure. He emphasizes the importance of discovering the underpinning causes of disease. Jon sheds new light on treatment for people whose illnesses have defied all attempts at recovery.

This practical book, based on clinical experience, is for practitioners of integrative medicine who are looking for inventive ways to tackle their most difficult cases.

Jon Gamble originally studied Arts/Law before going on to study Naturopathy, Osteopathy and Homeopathy. Commencing in 1987, he has an international practice, based in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. He has published desktop guides for integrative health care practitioners, as well as his 'Treat Yourself' series for use in the home. He has given seminars in Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, as well as Australia. His clinical focus is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the treatment of children.

Paperback, 248 pages

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