What was so special about 2023 at The Aurum Project? That’s easy… 3 things … Compound Annual Growth Rate for Homeopathy, Conference Presentations and Student Books in the Book Barn. CAG Rate for Homeopathy Did you know, The Compound Annual Growth Rate for homeopathy is at 16.4% by 2028 ! This is compared to other […]
How one family went from trauma and tantrums to hugs and affection
Thank you Anke Zimmermann for contributing this case history to The Aurum Project blog. Colicky and Oppositional In November of 2021 I saw a three-year-old girl, whom I will call Cora, via Zoom. Her mother reported that Cora had developed increasingly severe behavioural issues. From the parents perspective Thank you to the parents for permission […]
2022: The Year of the Research Pods
In 2022, our number of Research Pods suddenly shot up. There were so many gardening puns to go with this topic, I can’t help but put a few in. The Aurum Project (AP) Research Pod (Pod) is a group of professional practitioners undertaking research. The purpose of a Pod is twofold. Firstly, it is to […]
Homeopathy: A natural treatment for eczema?
International research papers written about homeopathy as a treatment for childhood eczema have generally come to a positive conclusion in answer to questions about the outcome of treatment, including quality of life questions and patient satisfaction. The papers agree that it is worthwhile to conduct more investigations because: there is potential for reduction in use […]
A conversation with Homeopath Dr Kozymenko during the Ukraine war
Dimple Kirpalani talks to Professor Dr. Tamara Kozymenko about Classical Homeopathy and trauma during the Ukraine war Professor Dr. Tamara Kozymenko I met Ukranian Homeopath Dr. Kozymenko through Maria Chorionopolou at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH). Given the current political situation in the Ukraine war, curiosity got the better of me and I […]