What We Believe In
Mission Statement
The Aurum Project's mission is to advance the understanding and practice of homeopathy in Australia.
The Aurum Project aims to promote research into homeopathy
Constitution of the Aurum Project
The Aurum Project is an incorporated association. You can read more here Constitution of The Aurum Project
Annual Report
The Aurum Project's latest annual report can be viewed here:
Aurum Project Annual Report
Our Research Policies
The Aurum Project's research policies can be viewed here:
The Aurum Project's research policies have been written with acknowledgement and adaptation of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 published by the Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council and Australian Research Council.
Queries regarding these policies, can be directed to our research integrity officer
Our Organisation

Our People
The Aurum Project Management Committee
Position | Name | Qualifications |
Director | Linlee Jordan | MHlthScEd BHom RN DipNut |
President | Nyema Hermiston | BSc(Hons) DipHom RN DipNat |
Vice President | Jane Lindsay | BSc(Hons) LicWSH RSHom |
Assistant Vice President | Dr Niri Pandit | BHMS MPAS MBBS FRACGP |
Secretary | Rachel Parkinson | IACH Dip Classical Homeopathy |
Treasurer | Dr Nicolas Abdo | PhD MBus |
Student Rep | Caroline Kim | BHlthSc LLB BA Comm |
Student Rep | Melissa Awde | AdvDip Nat Nut |
The Aurum Project Support Team
Position | Name | Qualifications |
Research Co-ordinator | Dr Celeste Salter | PhD BE BPsycSci PDHom (UK) |
Event Co-ordinator | Sherree Maniks | Costume & Set Designer |
Marketing Manager | Erica Steele | BA Marketing (Hons) |
IT Manager | Michael Cowdroy | IT, Web & Graphic Designer |
Teal Relationships Co-ordinator | Sunny Goddard | BHSc AdvDipHom |
Public Officer | Penelope Johnson | BSc AdvDipNat AdvDip Nutr AdvDipHom |
The Aurum Project Advisory Group
Name | Qualifications |
Dr Jurgen Schulte | MSc DSc |
Dr Russell Vickers | PhD MScMed MDSc DipHom DipHerb |
Michelle Hookham | MMHN CMHN RN DipAppSc LicHom LCCH |
Dr David Levy | PhD DipHom DipNat MHlthScEd |
Dr Alastair Gray | PhD MSc (UK) BAHons (NZ) DSH (UK) PSH (UK) |
The Aurum Project Research Team
Position | Name | Qualifications |
Director | Linlee Jordan | MHlthScEd BHom RN DipNut |
Research Co-ordinator | Dr Celeste Salter | PhD BE BPsycSci PDHom (UK) |
Research Integrity Officer | Dr Sabina Vatter | PhD MA BA RSHom |